Uporaba matematične analize pri načrtovanju motorjev s trajnimi magneti/Application of mathematical analysis in the design of permanent magnet motors
ANALI PAZU 10(2020) št./No. 1-2 strani/pages 15-18
Celotno besedilo/Full text (pdf)
Povzetek: Razvoj trajnih (permanentnih) magnetov z visoko gostoto energije in njihova dostopnost na trgu vplivata na povečano uporabo magnetov v sinhronskih motorjih. Za delovanje motorja s trajnimi magneti je ključnega pomena magnetno polje v zračni reži med rotorjem in statorjem, ki ga rotor s trajnimi magneti pri vrtenju ustvarja. Gostoto magnetnega pretoka v zračni reži ter v trajnih magnetih rotorja dobimo kot rešitev sistema parcialnih diferencialnih enačb, ki opisuje magnetno dogajanje v motorju. Ta sistem ni vedno v celoti analitično rešljiv.
Ključne besede: motorji s trajnimi magneti; magnetno polje v zračni reži; parcialne diferencialne enačbe.
Abstract: The development of permanent magnets with high energy density and their availability on the market affect the increased use of magnets in synchronous motors. The efficiency of the permanent magnet machine is highly influenced by the magnetic field in the air-gap between the rotor and the stator, which is generated by the rotor with its permanent magnets during rotation. The magnetic field in the air gap and in the permanent magnets of the rotor is obtained as the solution of a system of partial differential equations describing the magnetic properties of the machine. This system is not always fully analytically solvable.
Key words: permanent magnet motors; magnetic field in the air gap; partial differential equations.