Analiza poročanja simptomov po kemoterapiji za bolnice z zgodnjim rakom dojk prek mobilne aplikacije / Analysis of chemotherapy symptoms reported via mobile application in patients with early breast cancer
ANALI PAZU, 9 (2019), št. / No. 1-2, strani / pages 40-46
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Povzetek: Bolniki z rakom, ki se zdravijo s kemoterapijo, imajo lahko številne simptome. V okviru raziskave Mobilna aplikacija za bolnice z rakom dojk na zdravljenju s kemoterapijo ali tarčnimi zdravili, so nam bolnice preko mobilne aplikacije javljale simptome. V naboru je bilo 50 različnih simptomov. Bolnice so označile zaznan simptom, opredelile njegovo jakost (blago, srednje ali hudo) in trajanje. Analizirali smo poročila 16 bolnic za prvi cikel kemoterapije. Najpogostejši simptomi so bili utrujenost (75 %), suha usta, glavobol, rdečica obraza (56 %), bolečine v mišicah, hripavost, zgaga, plini v črevesju (31 %), zaprtje, driska (25 %) in izpadanje las (44 %). Večino simptomov je bilo blage ali srednje stopnje in kratkotrajnih (do 4 dni). Sprotno beleženje simptomov je v pomoč onkologu k boljši terapiji simptomov.
Ključne besede: rak, kemoterapija, simptomi, mobilna aplikacija.
Abstract: Cancer patients on chemotherapy treatment may have several symptoms. In the study Mobile application for patients with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy and targeted therapy patients reported symptoms by means of mobile application. Patient could report 50 symptoms. Patient having a specific symptom, defines a severity (mild, moderate or severe) and its duration. We performed analysis on 16 patients for the first cycle of chemotherapy. The most prevalent symptoms were fatigue (75%), dry mouth, headache, redness of the face (56%), myalgia, hoarsenes, heartburn, meteorism (31%), obstipation, diarrhoea (25%) and alopecia (44%). The majority of symptoms were mild or moderate and short lasting (less than 4 days). Reporting symptoms is of great help for the treating oncologist for better symptom treatment.
Keywords: cancer, chemotherapy, symptoms, mobile application.