ANALI PAZU 3/ 2013/ 1
October 2013
Volume 3, Number 1
pages 1-51
p-ISSN 2232-416X
About the cover
Darja Senčur Peček
Natural sciences
Primož Kajdič, Benoit Lavraud, Xóchitl Blanco-Cano, Jean-Andre Sauvaud, Arnaud Zaslavsky, Andrea Opitz, Lan K. Jian, Christopher T. Russell, Janet G. Luhmann, Milan Maksimovic
90° PA ojačitve supertermičnih elektronov v bližini medplanetarnih udarnih valov
Engineering sciences and technologies
Karin Ljubič, Iztok Fister Jr., Iztok Fister
Imunski sistemi v računalništvu
Rudolf Pušenjak, Maks Oblak
Upravljanje nelinearnih nihajočih sistemov z zakasnitvami
Social sciences
Iztok Palčič
Model razvoja in organizacije industrijskih grozdov
Branko Škafar
BUSINESS MODEL BESORC (Business Excellence and social resposibility company) - The way out of the crisis, preserve the natural environment and reduce differences among people in the world
Andrej Hozjan
Four important Documents about the History of Prekmurje in Early Modern Period