Industrial clusters development and organisation model / Model razvoja in organizacije industrijskih grozdov

Anali PAZU, 3 (2013), št. / No. 1, strani / pages 26-33
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)

Abstract: Industrial clusters have been a prevalent element of several national competitiveness policies for the last 15 years The author of this paper has followed the birth, organisation and performance of industrial clusters in Slovenia and Austria for the period of three years. Based on several in-depth case studies in Slovenia and Austria I have built a cluster development and organisation model applicable to smaller (transitional) countries. I have identified factors that have an impact on cluster development and organisation at the level of general business environment. At the same time I have identified a government role in fostering clusters. But external factors are not the only factors influencing clusters. There are also internal factors that are in the hands of the cluster actors. These are factors that directly influence cluster development and organisation process. I have classified them in four areas and they will be also presented in this paper. I have also identified four stages of cluster birth, organisation and growth. The model is highly applicable as it combines research results with best practices based on several case studies.
Keywords: cluster development, cluster model, cluster organisation, industrial clusters, Slovenia.
Povzetek: Industrijski grozdi so eden ključnih elementov nacionalnih strategij za spodbujanje konkurenčnosti že zadnjih 15 let. Avtor prispevka je tri leta sledil rojstvu, organizaciji in delovanju industrijskih grozdov v Sloveniji in Avstriji. Na osnovi več poglobljenih študij primera v Sloveniji in Avstriji je oblikoval model razvoja in organizacije industrijskih grozdov, primeren za manjše države. Avtor je identificiral dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj in organizacijo industrijskih grozdov v določenem poslovnem okolju. Sočasno s tem je opredelil vlogo države pri spodbujanju industrijskih grozdov. Ugotovil je, da na razvoj grozdov ne vplivajo samo zunanji dejavniki, ampak tudi notranji, ki so v rokah članov grozda. Avtor je notranje dejavnike razvrstil v štiri področja. Prispevek prav tako prikazuje štiri faze razvoja, organizacije in rasti industrijskega grozda. Predstavljeni model je izrazito aplikativen, saj združuje raziskovalne izsledke s praktičnimi izkušnjami, ki jih je avtor pridobil z delovanjem v enem izmed obravnavnih industrijskih grozdov. 
Ključne besede: razvoj grozda, model grozda, organizacija grozda, industrijski grozd, Slovenija.

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