Konceptualni pouk fizike v srednji šoli / Conceptual teaching of physics in secondary schools
Simon Ülen, Mitja Slavinec, Ivan Gerlič
ANALI PAZU, 4 (2014), št. / No. 1, strani / pages 6-17
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Povzetek: V zadnjih dveh desetletjih številni raziskovalci na področju izobraževanja iščejo nove metode s ciljem izboljšati izobraževalni proces. Projekt COLOS (Conceptual Learning Of Science) spodbuja izrabo didaktičnega potenciala sodobne tehnologije za učenje in poučevanje fizike ter naravoslovja na sploh. Z empirično raziskavo, predstavljeno v tem prispevku, želimo dognati, ali je konceptualno učenje in poučevanje fizike učinkovitejše v primerjavi s tradicionalnim frontalnim poukom fizike. Poglavitni cilj študije je bil raziskati učinek konceptualnega učenja in poučevanja fizike na področju Elektrike in Magnetizma v srednji šoli. Ključna ugotovitev raziskave je, da so dijaki, ki so bili deležni konceptualnega načina poučevanja, dosegli boljše rezultate kot dijaki, ki so bili deležni tradicionalnega pouka.
Ključne besede: tradicionalni frontalni pouk, konceptualni pouk, informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT), javanski programi – fizleti, pedagoški eksperiment.
Abstract: In last two decades many educational researchers have been searching for new appropriate methods of improving the educational process. Project COLOS (Conceptual Learning of Science) stimulates the exploitation of the didactical potential of modern technology for learning and teaching of science and physics in particular. Experimental investigation presented in this article tries to determine whether the conceptual learning and teaching of physics is more effective in comparison with traditional frontal teaching of physics. The main goal of our study was to examine the effects of conceptual learning and teaching of physics in the field of Electricity and Magnetism in the secondary school. The key finding of research was that the students, who were taught through the conceptual way, achieved better results than those who were taught traditionally.
Key words: traditional frontal teaching, conceptual teaching, information and communication technology (ICT), Java programs - Physlets, pedagogical experiment.