High pressure dissipative granular materials for earthquake protection of houses / Visokotlačni granulirani disipativni materiali za protipotresno zaščito hiš

Marko Bek, Alen Oseli, Ivan Saprunov, Bakytzhan T. Zhumagulov, Sultan M. Mian, Boris V. Gusev, Roko Žarnić, Bernd von Bernstorff, Nikola Holeček, Igor Emri
ANALI PAZU, 3 (2013), št. / No. 2, strani / pages 75-86
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Abstract: In the recent years different types of dampers for structural control in civil engineering have been developed, where one of the most promising solutions are viscoelastic dampers. In this paper we demonstrate that by utilizing knowledge on the effect of inherent hydrostatic pressure on the time- and frequency-dependent behavior of polymers it is possible to design and build the ultimate insulation systems for civil engineering applications. An optimal solution is achieved by using highly pressurized multimodal granular polymeric materials. The results on case material, Thermoplastic Polyurethane, showed that by increasing inherent pressure of the material from 1 bar to 2000 bar the frequency at which material exhibits its maximal damping properties was shifted from 37 kHz, at P=1 bar to 235 Hz at P=2000 bar. At the same time, the increase of inherent hydrostatic pressure from 1 bar to 2000 bar changes material stiffness up to 2.5 times, while the damping properties increase up to 5.2 times.
Key words: Dissipative granular materials, Viscoelasticity, Earthquake protection, Pressure, Thermoplastic Polyurethane.
Povzetek: V zadnjih letih so bili razviti različni dušilni elementi namenjeni nadzoru struktur v gradbeništvu, kjer eno izmed najbolj obetavnih rešitvah predstavljajo viskoelastični dušilni elementi. V tem prispevku bomo pokazali, da je z uporabo znanja o vplivu inherentnega hidrostatičnega tlaka na časovno in frekvenčno odvisno vedenja polimerov mogoče načrtovati in zgraditi ultimativni izolacijski sistem za uporabo v gradbeništvu. Optimalna rešitev je dosežena z uporabo multimodalnega granuliranega polimernega materiala pod visokim tlakom. Rezultati, na primeru TPU pokažejo, da se z večanjem inherentnega tlaka materiala, iz 1 bar do 2000 bar pomakne frekvenca, pri kateri material izkazuje svoje maksimalno dušenje iz 37 kHz, pri P = 1 bar do 235 Hz pri P = 2000 bar. Hkrati, povečanje inherentnega hidrostatičnega tlaka iz 1 bar do 2000 bar spremeni togost materiala do 2,5-krat, medtem ko so dušilne lastnosti povečajo do 5,2-krat.
Ključne besede: Disipativni granulirani materiali, Viskoelastičnost, Protipotresna zaščita, Tlak, Termoplastični Poliuretan.

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