Temperatura in odmerek pektinaz kot regulatorja hitrosti bistrenja jabolčnega soka / Effect of temperature and use of pectinase on apple juice clarification

Anali PAZU, 2 (2012), št. / No. 1, strani / pages 15-19
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)
Povzetek: V letu 2009 smo na Fakulteti za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede UM ugotavljali vpliv kombinacije temperature in odmerka pektinaz na hitrost bistrenja jabolčnega soka sorte 'Topaz'. Obravnavanja v poskusu predstavljajo kombinacije različnih odmerkov pektinaz tipa Pektinez XXL (0,1 ml/l in 0,05 ml/l) ter temperature v času bistrenja (7 °C, 12 °C in 20 °C). Meritve motnosti soka so bile izvajane v 30 min intervalih s pričetkom neposredno po stiskanju in zaključkom 1020 min po stiskanju jabolk. Teko celotnega izvajanja poskusa so rezultati  pokazali zanemarljiv vpliv temperature na hitrost bistrenja soka. Kot odločilni dejavnik za hitrost bistrenja se je potrdil dodatek pektinaz, ki je signifikantno pospešil bistrenje soka, ne glede na velikost odmerka pektinaz.
Ključne besede: sok; temperature; pektinaze; bistrenje
Abstract: In year 2009 the experiment was set up at the Faculty of agriculture and life sciences to determine the influence of temperature and enzyme pectinase on apple juice cv. ‘Topaz’ clarification. Treatments represent combinations of different dosage of pectinase (Pektineze XXl; 0,1 ml/l and 0,05 ml/l) and temperature (7 ºC, 12 ºC, 20 ºC) in time of juice clarification. The measurements of juice turbidity were carried out in 30 min intervals, started immediately after and ended 1020 min after press. The results showed negligible influence of temperature on juice clarification. The add of pestinase significantly influenced the clarification, regardless of its dosage (0,5 or 1 dl/1000 l).

Key words: juice; temperature; pektinase; clarification

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