Razvoj kakovosti pri slivah / The dynamics of quality growth in plums

Anali PAZU, 1 (2011), št. / No. 1, strani / pages 33-35
Celotno besedilo / Full text (PDF)

Povzetek: V Sadjarskem centru Maribor – Gačnik smo v letu 2010 proučevali razvoj nekaterih parametrov zrelosti in kakovosti sliv (Prunus domestica L.). V poskusu so bile vključene slive sort ´Hanita´ in´Valor´. Namen poskusa je bil ugotoviti povezavo med razvojem barve povrhnjice plodov ter razvojem okusa, ki ga determinira razmerje med topno suho snovjo in titracijskimi kislinami. Rezultati poskusa so pokazali, da barva povrhnjice plodov kot parameter kakovosti in hkrati zrelosti pri različnih sortah sliv ni dober pokazatelj razvoja okusa (in posredno kakovosti plodov) in zato ni dober napovednik optimalnega časa obiranja, saj se je v letu 2010 pri sorti ´Valor´ razvila 17 dni pred užitno zrelostjo in pri sorti ´Hanita´ cca 14 dni pred užitno zrelostjo plodov.
Ključne besede: sliva; zrelost; barva; okus

Abstract: At Fruit growing centre Maribor – Gačnik in 2010 we investigated the development of certain ripeness parameters for plum (Prunus domestica L.). The experiment included two varieties of plums: ´Valor´ and ´Hanita´. The aim of the experiment was to determine the optimal harvest time for each variety of plums and the connection between the dynamics of fruit skin colour development and the development of the taste (relationship between soluble solids content and acid content). The results showed that with different varieties of plum the colour as a quality and a ripeness parameter) is not a good indicator of the optimal harvest time, as with ´Valor´ the skin colour developed 17 days and with ´Hanita´ app. 14 days before it developed eating quality.
Key words: plum; ripeness; colour; taste


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